Learning how to wait


I hope I’m learning about how to wait. Somethings have been hanging fire in my life for years. Others just this morning. (My truck problem is being diagnosed as I write this.)

My natural personality is to have everything done yesterday. I asked God for patience long ago and it has come in measure; apparently I need still more. But it’s my attitude about how I wait that He seems to be working on just now.

Walking by faith in all things is my goal. Trusting God that He is faithful is an ongoing lesson. Believing Romans 8:28 is a continual process:

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. (NASB, The Lockman Foundation)

I need to learn how to direct my thoughts in three special ways:

  1. God is at work when I see no evidence yet.
  2. God has proved Himself faithful in the past.
  3. God is always on time and does the best thing.

Today is really about my plan versus His plan. Do I want His best or my way? I see clearly in hindsight that His best has always been better than what I could hope for or imagine, so why do I still try to work out what should be when He knows what really needs to happen?

I know the techniques of remembering what He has done. I’m thinking today that I need better documentation to spark my memory of God’s faithfulness and goodness to me from the past.

What do you use to remember God’s faithfulness to help you expect and wait for His best?


2 Replies to “Learning how to wait”

  1. My dear friend, “throwing in the towel” has an implied finality of giving up. I know you would never give up on God. That would be the opposite of faith, and I know you are a woman of great faith. So, it must be that God gave you a different direction to go in. You know that old saying, “there’s two sides to every story”– totally false or rather incomplete. Two sides is just the beginning. Ask any politian or legislator. Yet it’s difficult to WAIT on God and His time. But it is okay to turn to an earthly solution. It may even give God a chance to work through this doctor about something He has been dealing with him about. The important thing is to obey. Now, if I can get as good at taking advice as giving it, that will be an accomplishment! Love and hugs.

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