About Peg

My name is Peg O’Morrow Parker and I was born a word person. I love language and literature. I love to write.

I was born and grew up in and around Columbus, Ohio, the oldest of five children. I am a transplanted Buckeye living in Knoxville, Tennessee. I graduated from THE Ohio State University with a degree in Journalism. I spent my 20s at a newspaper in Southeast Ohio as a reporter and editor. I worked as a medical transcriptionist at a Houston hospital and now write fiction and nonfiction. I attend Gateway Church online and hope to serve in a Gateway Gathering soon.

I am the mother of two awesome young men, the proud mother-in-love of two beautiful young women, and grandmother to seven great kids.

My life message is that God wants to have a relationship with each person who chooses Him and my blog is to encourage the disciples of Jesus to make time with God a priority in their lives.

My life until now

My father was a Navy veteran who became a master plasterer and my mother an Ohio State graduate in home furnishings who became a teacher. My parents divorced when I was 13. I have three sisters and one brother, and graduated from Whitehall-Yearling High School and then The Ohio State University.

I married immediately after college. I did not yet know the Lord, although the seed of faith was planted before my teens at a Billy Graham crusade in old Columbus Jets stadium. Our marriage was founded on sand but our love for each other was real. It lasted far beyond what I would expect now because of the grace of God.

After college, I was a newspaper reporter and then editor at The Athens Messenger, a six-day-a week newspaper in Southeast Ohio. At the birth of our first son in 1981, I became a stay-at-home mom. Our second son was born two years later.

I accepted the sacrifice of Jesus for my sins September 17, 1978 at age 27. It changed my life. I had a new hope for the future but giving up who I had been for the new creature in Christ forever changed our marriage. I received the overflow of the Holy Spirit about a year later and have been blessed to grow in God ever since.

After we moved permanently to Houston, Texas for my then husband’s job in 1989, the marriage slowly dissolved. Our foundations no longer matched and we neither wanted the goals the other had for life. It ended in 2001. With divorce came a season of aloneness that has caused me to seek God even more deeply. My writing about The Cleft for Life came out of this season of seeking.

I have always been a worshipper, seeking out the fellowship of other worshippers at a few churches over time. God has always led me to churches based in His Word and I learned from many men and women over the years. I currently am a member online with Gateway Church.

My sons are awesome men of God and their wives are beautiful women who love the Lord. I have been blessed with seven grandchildren.

I look forward to God fulfilling all He has promised for my life.

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