Another Pruning

This period of isolation and true confinement results in still another season of pruning for me. Jesus made it clear that our path is to become better fruit producers – and the less of me there is, the more of Continue reading Another Pruning

Provision for my Calling

God is teaching me about what I believe and how it makes a difference in the effectiveness of my prayer life. Fortunately, that knowledge has exposed a lie that I had accepted for many years, including after accepting Jesus as Continue reading Provision for my Calling

Living Fearlessly

“Fearless” comes at me from all directions this week, from songs to Bible study. God is challenging me to throw off the negative effects of my own mistakes and the decisions of others that have negatively impacted my life. He Continue reading Living Fearlessly

New Year, Renewed Hope

Isaiah 43:18-19 “Do not remember the former things, Or ponder the things of the past. Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even Continue reading New Year, Renewed Hope

Choosing Thankfulness

I choose thankfulness daily. This year, my Thanksgiving will not be what I expected. The holiday scenario I had in mind failed to launch. But I have learned to ride the wave that God creates for my life instead of Continue reading Choosing Thankfulness

Do I Like Myself?

Something amazing is happening for me. In my quiet time last week, I found myself telling God that I love being me. I was surprised to hear it coming out of my mouth. I am my own worst critic – Continue reading Do I Like Myself?

Warfare on the Horizon

The stirring began in September that warfare is on the horizon. A military based TV show came to my notice. Its authenticity is well documented. I have been learning from it ever since. Teamwork and pushing through until a mission Continue reading Warfare on the Horizon

Still in the Waiting Room

Timing is everything, some say. The waiting room is my current figurative location, waiting for my name to be called. Apparently, it is how God is working in me patience and the ability to wait with a good attitude. He Continue reading Still in the Waiting Room

Independent to a Fault

In the United States, we talk about raising our children to be independent of their parents and to stand on their own. It seems a noble goal – for adults to take care of themselves and their families without the Continue reading Independent to a Fault

Expert Weaver at Work

My maternal grandmother executed exquisite hand crafts of many kinds. She knitted, crocheted, tatted, made rag and braided rugs, and sewed beautiful garments and quilts. Her skills were extraordinary even for a time when women created many of the needs Continue reading Expert Weaver at Work