Promises Yield Peace

A new depth of peace rules my soul these days. I attribute it to more complete acceptance of God’s promises for my life and future. Remembering His faithfulness to provide for my home almost 14 years ago fuels faith. His Continue reading Promises Yield Peace

Early Summer Anniversaries

  June is a season of remembrance for me. I graduated from college in June. Father’s Day evokes memories of my family: A great-grandfather who lived until I was 20, my grandfathers, my father, and my sons as fathers. It Continue reading Early Summer Anniversaries

Confidence in New Life

I remember God’s faithfulness 38 years ago. I was embarking on a new life – leaving work and celebrating the birth of my older son. I wasn’t ready for it – I don’t think anyone is ready to be a Continue reading Confidence in New Life

Wilderness or Promised Land?

2 Timothy 3: 14-17 You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them,  and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation Continue reading Wilderness or Promised Land?

Steadfast Commitment vs Excitement

I watched a teaching by Joyce Meyer recently that has me thinking. Do I require excitement to accomplish tasks? Instead, do I have the character to commit and stick with it when the mundane sets in? My latest project is Continue reading Steadfast Commitment vs Excitement

Remembering What I’ve Said

I have to listen to my own advice this week. Where I am is so much like being pregnant, especially the first time. I knew then that I was having a baby and I know now that a new life Continue reading Remembering What I’ve Said

Book published at last!

I am very excited to tell you all that my book has been published on Amazon. It’s an updated and expanded version of my serial book published here in 2014/2015. The name is Weaving Love’s Hidden Pattern and is available Continue reading Book published at last!

Remembering What He’s Done

I realized about two weeks ago that I am entering the finish of a season. It takes nine months to birth a baby and I am nearing that amount of time since my job ended and a season of rest Continue reading Remembering What He’s Done

Holiday choices

The autumn and winter holidays are full of choices for me again this year. My memories of the loss of family members began a long time ago. My great-grandfather died when I was in my late teens. His is the Continue reading Holiday choices

Seasonal revelation

My pastor, Joel Osteen, hit the nail on the head this weekend. John 15 explains what happens to believers as they journey on a fruitful path – God prunes them and their lives for greater fruit production – and it Continue reading Seasonal revelation