Fighting Selfishness in Quarantine

Quarantine seems to produce selfishness and self-centeredness, at least it has in me at times. When you live alone and there is no one else to focus on, the magnitude of your own issues grows in proportion to the needs Continue reading Fighting Selfishness in Quarantine

September Anniversaries

September marks the anniversary of important events in my life: My physical and spiritual birthdays, my mother’s birthday, starting college. I like to celebrate the whole month. This year, it seemed dissociated from reality with the sensation of a lack Continue reading September Anniversaries

Worshiping Warriors

Isolation marks this season for many of us, especially those who live alone, as I do. God provides a unique connection for me five days a week that has made all the difference in my attitude and ability to not Continue reading Worshiping Warriors

Small Gestures

I realize part of what I’m missing during this pandemic quarantine period. I am missing the small gestures. I ran across a video challenge from Matthew Hussey, a relationship coach, to begin to make the small gestures for people who Continue reading Small Gestures

Friendships Old and New

Celebrating friendship during these days of quarantine has become a lifeline for many, including me. Friends from a former church gathered for dinner at a restriction-compliant restaurant and it reminded us all how much we enjoy each other. My closest Continue reading Friendships Old and New

Remembering My First Love

This season of quarantine has found me remembering part of my first love. Being born again in a Spirit-filled Methodist church in the 1970s meant singing the scriptures. The Jesus movement took many forms, including singing from the Book of Continue reading Remembering My First Love

Choosing God’s Best

Making the best choice is not always easy. This week, I chose to ask God for His best, no matter if my preference is different. I know it pleased Him, and He reminded me that choice is a good pattern Continue reading Choosing God’s Best

He Is Lord Most High

Psalm 7:7,17 Let the assembled peoples gather around you, while you sit enthroned over them on high….I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the Lord Most High. New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New Continue reading He Is Lord Most High

Memorials So We Remember

Let’s think about how to remember God’s faithfulness through this COVID-19 pandemic. Psalms 106 and 107 are pertinent to this season. Psalm 106 recounts that the children of Israel forgot what God had done for them at the Red Sea, Continue reading Memorials So We Remember

Another Pruning

This period of isolation and true confinement results in still another season of pruning for me. Jesus made it clear that our path is to become better fruit producers – and the less of me there is, the more of Continue reading Another Pruning