Home again, Home again

It’s becoming home. My new apartment that is. In Knoxville, Tennessee. I knew I would love the weather and I do. I love the hills. Living in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in southeast Ohio for so many years Continue reading Home again, Home again

Still Holding My Hand

  This year is one of learning to believe God wants to hold my hand and lead me. I have lived a life led by the Holy Spirit for many years but the depth of trust and understanding of His Continue reading Still Holding My Hand

Eternal Life – The Best Promise

Changing perspectives requires divine intervention for me. My mind does not easily shift to an eternal view. God took the reins in worship last week; He uses my abandoning myself and seeking His face to show me truth. During a Continue reading Eternal Life – The Best Promise

Major Life Events Show His Faithfulness

Major life events push believers to question if we need to change or should have done something to enhance or prevent them. A friend is processing a serious family event. Our conversation about it sparks reflection on my history with Continue reading Major Life Events Show His Faithfulness

My Father Holds My Hand

A season of healing and rest is coming to fruition. God is restoring my image of Him as Father by healing the soul wounds I sustained as a child and as an adult. Walking forward with God means leaving those Continue reading My Father Holds My Hand

Choosing Joy This Year

Joy, unspeakable joy, An overflowing well, No tongue can tell Joy, unspeakable joy, Rises in my soul, Never lets me go So says the Chris Tomlin chorus of “Joy To The World” by Isaac Watts. This Christmas season choosing joy seems more difficult than Continue reading Choosing Joy This Year

He Rejoices Over Us With Singing

I can hear Bob Fitts sing it: “He rejoices over us with singing, He rejoices over us with joy.” Brent Chambers wrote “The Lord Our God Is With Us” and it appeared on “The Lord Reigns” Integrity Hosanna! led by Continue reading He Rejoices Over Us With Singing

Fighting Selfishness in Quarantine

Quarantine seems to produce selfishness and self-centeredness, at least it has in me at times. When you live alone and there is no one else to focus on, the magnitude of your own issues grows in proportion to the needs Continue reading Fighting Selfishness in Quarantine

September Anniversaries

September marks the anniversary of important events in my life: My physical and spiritual birthdays, my mother’s birthday, starting college. I like to celebrate the whole month. This year, it seemed dissociated from reality with the sensation of a lack Continue reading September Anniversaries

Worshiping Warriors

Isolation marks this season for many of us, especially those who live alone, as I do. God provides a unique connection for me five days a week that has made all the difference in my attitude and ability to not Continue reading Worshiping Warriors