Books for change

I believe I have been changed for the better by reading and absorbing a number of books other than the Bible written by godly Christians. Any written by Andrew Murray. Fiction by Grace Livingston Hill. But two in particular I Continue reading Books for change

Same question, different answers

It is a first. The first time I can remember. An agent (live person) from a federal agency told me another federal agency is the one I need to accomplish a task. The automated response at the second said it Continue reading Same question, different answers

Reward for obedience

God encourages me when I’m obedient to His direction. I received and acted on a leading to send a book to a friend last week. She told me yesterday it was life changing for her. She believes she was finally Continue reading Reward for obedience

Trying to move forward

I feel stuck. A website I’m using says this stage of job change is about disorientation because things are not what they were but are not yet what they will be. I worked at this job for 5+ years. I Continue reading Trying to move forward

Peace in Uncertain Times

My family is in the midst of uncertain times and peace reigns and rains. My youngest grandchild is seriously ill and without a creative miracle, his future with us is doubtful. My son told me today that people have marveled Continue reading Peace in Uncertain Times

Second eye, repeat verse

Recently, I had surgery on my other eye. The nodule on the right eye was removed last year and I had cataract surgery in March. My left eye requires the same treatment, and will heal from the nodule surgery with Continue reading Second eye, repeat verse

The list never ends

I make lists. I am a list maker. I need a list to accomplish tasks that are important in my life. I keep my list in a 9 x 6 inch spiral notebook. The list is rewritten about every two Continue reading The list never ends

Encouraging progress by His grace

Facing a new diagnosis of a chronic illness is not pleasant. I have decided that learning from each challenge in my life is the only way to stop repeating errors and to follow God’s plan. To recap, a flu-like illness Continue reading Encouraging progress by His grace

My times are truly in His hands

God is never late although it seems He is when we are waiting. I am convinced He cannot be late because of His character. Unlike me, He sets everything in motion at the right time. His omniscience precludes any tardiness. Continue reading My times are truly in His hands

New healing

I’m asking God for a new level of healing. I realize that my sensitive gut is more sensitive than I thought and I’m asking God to heal me completely, not just partially. I talked last time about my cataract surgery Continue reading New healing