A friend testifies about God’s blessings

My friend, Judith Emmons, honors us by sharing her testimony of God’s blessing of salvation and a fulfilling life because of Jesus and His sacrifice: Part One: The Catholic Years I was born on a Catholic Holy Day, in Saint Continue reading A friend testifies about God’s blessings

I AM, your Father

Each year, I ask God for a word or phrase for spiritual focus. This year, it is “I AM, your Father.” I believe God wants to deepen my relationship with Him as my Father. My memories of fathers are mixed. Continue reading I AM, your Father

New Church Home

Our faithful God led me to a new church home. A visiting friend asked a ministry partnership, and the referral has led me to a wonderful representation of the Body of Christ here in Knoxville. Trinity Community Church (www.tccknox.com) actively Continue reading New Church Home

Encouraging Words

My word from God for this year is pathways – pathways to healing, provision, and relationships. Words and stories through others encourage me to walk in faith that the word for this year will be fulfilled. In the spring, a Continue reading Encouraging Words

Walking in Mother’s Lessons

My mother would have been 100 later this year. She was 91 years old when she died. This week, I am pondering the lessons I learned from her while she lived and contemplating those I have learned since her homegoing. Continue reading Walking in Mother’s Lessons

Thankful at All Times

My health concerns continue, but I am thankful daily that my bloodwork and other markers are improving. In November, my specialist reviewed my labs and made recommendations for supplements to improve my status. They are working! My bloodwork and daily Continue reading Thankful at All Times

Israel at war

  I find the events of October 7 in Israel shocking. It’s like time stopped as the horror of what happened in Israel unfolded in the news. Somehow, I feel like I’m holding my breath. Our heavenly Father makes it Continue reading Israel at war

Lesson Applied

I am learning to apply the lesson this year about being unashamed. I still struggle with choosing to not judge myself, but instead to let the Holy Spirit show me the truth about situations where my behavior is lacking. On Continue reading Lesson Applied

Examination versus Judgment

My task this year is to learn how to walk unashamed. Another element of the lesson is to discern the difference between examination and judgment. In the last two months, I have been remembering times when I failed. I realize Continue reading Examination versus Judgment

Unashamed 2023

As always, I asked the Lord in late December for a word indicating what He’d like me to learn this new year, and He responded quickly with “unashamed.” Believers’ minds go to the scriptures about not being ashamed of the Continue reading Unashamed 2023