Expert Weaver at Work

My maternal grandmother executed exquisite hand crafts of many kinds. She knitted, crocheted, tatted, made rag and braided rugs, and sewed beautiful garments and quilts. Her skills were extraordinary even for a time when women created many of the needs Continue reading Expert Weaver at Work

Resurrecting Hard Won Skills

My skills in editing and layout are going to be resurrected. I once served an editor at a 6-day a week newspaper. My last position there was wire editor including page one and the editorial page. I’m no longer seeking Continue reading Resurrecting Hard Won Skills

Fiddly Bits

I don’t do fiddly bits well. Fiddly is an old British term that means complicated or detailed and awkward to do or use. My delight in pre-World War II literature yields words in my vocabulary not much in use these Continue reading Fiddly Bits

Promises Yield Peace

A new depth of peace rules my soul these days. I attribute it to more complete acceptance of God’s promises for my life and future. Remembering His faithfulness to provide for my home almost 14 years ago fuels faith. His Continue reading Promises Yield Peace

Only By His Grace

My family reunion was blessed. My three sisters and brother and I have chosen to be adults in attitude as well as age. As my brother observed, we have dealt with the issues between us as children and decided to Continue reading Only By His Grace

Waiting and Acting Now

One life challenge for all of us is to complete tasks and reach goals in a timely manner. At one time, I was too good at it, doing tasks out of fear instead of faith. I remember feeling panicked if Continue reading Waiting and Acting Now

Resources Page Updated

The Resources page at The Cleft For Life has been updated with the correct links. Please take a look!

Faithful Friends, Faithful God

Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking or neglecting to assemble together [as believers], as is the habit of some people, but admonishing (warning, urging, and encouraging) one another, and all the more faithfully as you see the day approaching. Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC) Copyright Continue reading Faithful Friends, Faithful God

Patience With My Soul

Moving forward requires more time than I like. Being patient with myself is one of my great struggles. Self-criticism is an enemy that I thought I had conquered, apparently not entirely as yet. Members of my high school graduating classed Continue reading Patience With My Soul

Early Summer Anniversaries

  June is a season of remembrance for me. I graduated from college in June. Father’s Day evokes memories of my family: A great-grandfather who lived until I was 20, my grandfathers, my father, and my sons as fathers. It Continue reading Early Summer Anniversaries