Early Summer Anniversaries

  June is a season of remembrance for me. I graduated from college in June. Father’s Day evokes memories of my family: A great-grandfather who lived until I was 20, my grandfathers, my father, and my sons as fathers. It Continue reading Early Summer Anniversaries

Remembering What Works

A French quote says that “we should swallow a toad every morning, in order to fortify ourselves against the disgust of the rest of the day….” It refers to ungodly 18th century society. For me it applies to physical exercise. Continue reading Remembering What Works

Wilderness or Promised Land?

2 Timothy 3: 14-17 You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them,  and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation Continue reading Wilderness or Promised Land?

Steadfast Commitment vs Excitement

I watched a teaching by Joyce Meyer recently that has me thinking. Do I require excitement to accomplish tasks? Instead, do I have the character to commit and stick with it when the mundane sets in? My latest project is Continue reading Steadfast Commitment vs Excitement

At every meal

Christians call this Holy Week. We remember that Jesus completed the task of giving His life to pay for the sins of the world and rose in newness of life, offering eternal forgiveness to all who would receive His sacrifice. Continue reading At every meal

Expecting a miracle

I believe God is going to do a miracle for me. Seeking His face for my health yielded instruction to seek out a person of greater faith and anointing to pray for me. As He would have it, there is Continue reading Expecting a miracle

My daily allowance

We have heard the scriptures about God being the provider of all our needs, that He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and that He cares for His people. I struggle with allowing that to be reality in my Continue reading My daily allowance

Exceptional You! by Victoria Osteen

I joined the Launch Team for Victoria Osteen’s new book available April 2 Exceptional You!: 7 Ways to Live Encouraged, Empowered, and Intentional. I received an advance copy of the book as a Kindle document. Victoria successfully uses biblical and Continue reading Exceptional You! by Victoria Osteen

Remembering What I’ve Said

I have to listen to my own advice this week. Where I am is so much like being pregnant, especially the first time. I knew then that I was having a baby and I know now that a new life Continue reading Remembering What I’ve Said

Book published at last!

I am very excited to tell you all that my book has been published on Amazon. It’s an updated and expanded version of my serial book published here in 2014/2015. The name is Weaving Love’s Hidden Pattern and is available Continue reading Book published at last!