New vision is mine!

I am exceedingly happy to announce that God has proved Himself faithful to me once again. My cataract surgery was very successful. As many others have said, I didn’t know how much my vision was impaired until the day after Continue reading New vision is mine!

His timing is perfect

Once again, God’s timing for events in my life proves to be perfect. My cataract surgery is scheduled for this week. Testing and examination of my eye show that it has healed from the nodule removal even better than anticipated. Continue reading His timing is perfect

He teaches, I learn

God demonstrates His faithfulness to teach me and answer my prayers in ways I don’t expect. Recently, He demonstrated to me how perfectly He understands my nature and needs. I received a gift in the mail that will let me Continue reading He teaches, I learn

Faithful God heals my friend

One of my best friends and prayer partner was very ill this winter. She developed trouble breathing and had cough and shortness of breath. She is a former smoker for 27 years. She was diagnosed with COPD by an internal Continue reading Faithful God heals my friend