Making progress

There is progress on the pathway to healing my vision. My followup for cataract surgery this week with my ophthalmologic surgeon was promising. The exam showed I need an unusual prescription for computer and reading glasses but being different is Continue reading Making progress

Anticipating His goodness

I anticipate God’s favor and goodness. The delay in my second cataract surgery also put my job search on hold (you can’t work if you can’t see). Now I am restarting my search for a new income stream, and have Continue reading Anticipating His goodness

Celebrating today

I am celebrating many things today. I rejoice in the healing of my vision. I am thankful for the grace to improve lifestyle choices that have resulted in healing in my body as reflected by recent laboratory results. I am Continue reading Celebrating today

Rejoicing today and forever

I rejoice today in the healing of my sight that cataract surgery has accomplished. I had no idea how bad my sight had become until after my second cataract surgery. Both were very successful and I should only need reading Continue reading Rejoicing today and forever

Last of a series

My final eye surgery is scheduled for next week. I have been reminded this week of a concept God showed me a long time ago. What I wrote before is still true and His faithfulness is sure: Ps 131:2 Surely Continue reading Last of a series

Books for change

I believe I have been changed for the better by reading and absorbing a number of books other than the Bible written by godly Christians. Any written by Andrew Murray. Fiction by Grace Livingston Hill. But two in particular I Continue reading Books for change

Same question, different answers

It is a first. The first time I can remember. An agent (live person) from a federal agency told me another federal agency is the one I need to accomplish a task. The automated response at the second said it Continue reading Same question, different answers

Reward for obedience

God encourages me when I’m obedient to His direction. I received and acted on a leading to send a book to a friend last week. She told me yesterday it was life changing for her. She believes she was finally Continue reading Reward for obedience

He is my vision

I received a word from the Lord from a dear friend this week. She is a prayer warrior and leader of my prayer team. She said I would have vision for what is happening now. She was so right. Today Continue reading He is my vision

Trying to move forward

I feel stuck. A website I’m using says this stage of job change is about disorientation because things are not what they were but are not yet what they will be. I worked at this job for 5+ years. I Continue reading Trying to move forward