Linking Grace and Forgiveness

Grace, the mysterious attribute of God that astonishes us all linking grace and forgiveness. As humans, we are made in His likeness, but the depth and breadth of who He is out of the bounds of our understanding. Especially grace. Continue reading Linking Grace and Forgiveness

Israel at war

  I find the events of October 7 in Israel shocking. It’s like time stopped as the horror of what happened in Israel unfolded in the news. Somehow, I feel like I’m holding my breath. Our heavenly Father makes it Continue reading Israel at war

Lesson Applied

I am learning to apply the lesson this year about being unashamed. I still struggle with choosing to not judge myself, but instead to let the Holy Spirit show me the truth about situations where my behavior is lacking. On Continue reading Lesson Applied

Examination versus Judgment

My task this year is to learn how to walk unashamed. Another element of the lesson is to discern the difference between examination and judgment. In the last two months, I have been remembering times when I failed. I realize Continue reading Examination versus Judgment

Unashamed 2023

As always, I asked the Lord in late December for a word indicating what He’d like me to learn this new year, and He responded quickly with “unashamed.” Believers’ minds go to the scriptures about not being ashamed of the Continue reading Unashamed 2023

Feast of Trumpets

Sundown in Jerusalem is approaching today, September 25, 2022. Feast of Trumpets, the first of the unfulfilled Jewish feasts begins with it. (For more information about the feasts, one online resource is ).   I will be spending this Continue reading Feast of Trumpets

Books on Kindle Unlimited

My subscribers who have Kindle Unlimited might want to check out my books at the links below. Please consider writing a review if you enjoy them.  Thanks, Peg Parker  

Whom are we to believe?

Confusion about the truth seems to reign in the media and on social platforms. To my ear, even some so-called experts are speaking their opinions, not necessarily based in fact. For Christians, looking to God for the truth is paramount. Continue reading Whom are we to believe?

High Places Redefined

A recent women’s conference has me looking at life situations from a new perspective. One of the speakers challenged the listeners to stand up for what they know God wants for them. I listened to her challenge, but a comment Continue reading High Places Redefined

Fostering Contentment

The word of the Lord for me this year is “contentment.” It seems a simple word but the more I look into the scriptures and a Bible study on the word, its complexities and repercussions grow. I usually write about Continue reading Fostering Contentment