Dress Rehearsal

The church is responding positively to what I see as an ongoing rehearsal. The corona virus is clearly a serious issue in the realms of health, politics, and the economy. The tragic loss of life is horrific. But I believe Continue reading Dress Rehearsal

Being of Sound Mind

Health concerns are at the forefront of the news. I am remembering all the times in my life when my health was an overriding issue and how God provided healing, but especially when He gave my physicians wisdom for and Continue reading Being of Sound Mind

Faithfulness Revealed

Convertible/sunroof weather floods Southeast Texas just now. My open SUV sunroof and riding around with my CD player blasting reminds me of my white 1973 MGB convertible. I loved driving that car. It was my last before the years of Continue reading Faithfulness Revealed

Provision for my Calling

God is teaching me about what I believe and how it makes a difference in the effectiveness of my prayer life. Fortunately, that knowledge has exposed a lie that I had accepted for many years, including after accepting Jesus as Continue reading Provision for my Calling

Vision Fulfillment

Habakkuk 2:3 “For the vision is yet for the appointed [future] time It hurries toward the goal [of fulfillment]; it will not fail. Even though it delays, wait [patiently] for it, because it will certainly come; it will not delay.” Continue reading Vision Fulfillment

God’s Entryway

Many of us have people in our lives we pray for to receive salvation. A phrase struck my soul and heart mightily today in that regard. My younger son recommended Jack Deere’s “Even in Our Darkness: A Story of Beauty Continue reading God’s Entryway

Let Earth Receive Her King

Many years ago, I accepted Jesus Christ as not only my Savior by my Lord. The adventure with Him is ongoing. I look forward to a future more awesome than the past. Making God Lord of my life means I Continue reading Let Earth Receive Her King

New Book Available

My new book is available at Amazon. “The Cleft For Life” is published in Kindle and paperback form and includes my study of the Bible regarding clefts as well as lessons learned while meeting God in my Cleft For Life.  Continue reading New Book Available

The Lord Is Come

My excitement for the new thing God is doing in my life is growing. Making connections with my new church, Gateway Houston, continues. Our Christmas party Sunday evening was more fun than I could ever imagine. Working hard and diligently Continue reading The Lord Is Come

Choosing Thankfulness

I choose thankfulness daily. This year, my Thanksgiving will not be what I expected. The holiday scenario I had in mind failed to launch. But I have learned to ride the wave that God creates for my life instead of Continue reading Choosing Thankfulness