Remembering My First Love

This season of quarantine has found me remembering part of my first love. Being born again in a Spirit-filled Methodist church in the 1970s meant singing the scriptures. The Jesus movement took many forms, including singing from the Book of Continue reading Remembering My First Love

Exploring His Gifts

I once thought I would never write anything but news stories or other people’s reports. But first came a blog, then a novella, and a book about God’s faithfulness and spending time with Him. Most recently, I have a new Continue reading Exploring His Gifts

Choosing God’s Best

Making the best choice is not always easy. This week, I chose to ask God for His best, no matter if my preference is different. I know it pleased Him, and He reminded me that choice is a good pattern Continue reading Choosing God’s Best

Memorials So We Remember

Let’s think about how to remember God’s faithfulness through this COVID-19 pandemic. Psalms 106 and 107 are pertinent to this season. Psalm 106 recounts that the children of Israel forgot what God had done for them at the Red Sea, Continue reading Memorials So We Remember

Loving One Another As Needed

Are you stir-crazy yet? I fight it by staggering my grocery runs. On each trip, I have my sunroof open and Michael McDonald or Blood, Sweat and Tears blasting on my stereo. But I started thinking a couple of days Continue reading Loving One Another As Needed

Another Pruning

This period of isolation and true confinement results in still another season of pruning for me. Jesus made it clear that our path is to become better fruit producers – and the less of me there is, the more of Continue reading Another Pruning

Obliterate Fear

The prospect of loved ones and friends suffering and perhaps dying from COVID-19 confronts us all. A dear friend’s sibling is fighting for life in an ICU bed as I write this. Another friend is concerned for her adult child Continue reading Obliterate Fear

Living Fearlessly

“Fearless” comes at me from all directions this week, from songs to Bible study. God is challenging me to throw off the negative effects of my own mistakes and the decisions of others that have negatively impacted my life. He Continue reading Living Fearlessly

New Year, Renewed Hope

Isaiah 43:18-19 “Do not remember the former things, Or ponder the things of the past. Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even Continue reading New Year, Renewed Hope

Let Earth Receive Her King

Many years ago, I accepted Jesus Christ as not only my Savior by my Lord. The adventure with Him is ongoing. I look forward to a future more awesome than the past. Making God Lord of my life means I Continue reading Let Earth Receive Her King