Valley of Trouble or Hope?

Hosea 2:14-15 “So I am going to attract her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her. There I will give her back her vineyards, and I will make the Valley of Trouble a door of Continue reading Valley of Trouble or Hope?

Linking Grace and Forgiveness

Grace, the mysterious attribute of God that astonishes us all linking grace and forgiveness. As humans, we are made in His likeness, but the depth and breadth of who He is out of the bounds of our understanding. Especially grace. Continue reading Linking Grace and Forgiveness

Contentment Lesson

  As I wrote in January, this year my lesson is about contentment. It has been challenging to my natural personality once again. My walk with the Lord since 1978 has been about becoming more like Him and God is Continue reading Contentment Lesson

Perseverance in Challenge

Elizabeth II of Great Britain died last week. Her passing has evoked remembrances of my mother. They were only two years apart at birth, but there were similarities in their characters that speak to my current life challenges. The examples Continue reading Perseverance in Challenge

Books on Kindle Unlimited

My subscribers who have Kindle Unlimited might want to check out my books at the links below. Please consider writing a review if you enjoy them.  Thanks, Peg Parker  

Light of the World

Today I bask in the Light of the world. That light focuses my heart and soul on the One who saved me from myself. He is the reason this holiday season holds me in joy and not sorrow and sadness. Continue reading Light of the World

Home again, Home again

It’s becoming home. My new apartment that is. In Knoxville, Tennessee. I knew I would love the weather and I do. I love the hills. Living in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in southeast Ohio for so many years Continue reading Home again, Home again

Family Maturity

Families disintegrate at an amazing rate in these times. One I know ended recently. Others speak online or in conversation about distancing between adult siblings and/or parents. I am so grateful that the prayers of my grandmothers and mother were Continue reading Family Maturity

Renewed Community

Today I rejoice in a renewed sense of community. I attended a group of women gathering to encourage and love one another and we did. Understanding that we do life together is foundational to the Christian walk. God intends us Continue reading Renewed Community

Memorial Day Memories

Memorial Day is a day we in the United States choose to look back and be grateful for those who gave their lives serving in our military. Over the years, I have expanded it to a time to remember the Continue reading Memorial Day Memories