An even happier New Year!

This New Year is different. I know in my spirit and soul that 2019 will mean fulfillment of dreams as no year has done for me for a very long time. A season of serious pruning is nearly complete: The Continue reading An even happier New Year!

The Word Made Flesh

John 1:1 In the beginning [before all time] was the Word ([a]Christ), and the Word was with God, and [b]the Word was God Himself.  (AMP) Copyright      © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, CA 90631. All rights reserved. Each Continue reading The Word Made Flesh

Decorating with joy

This week I decorated my home for Christmas as much as I do these days. I have a friend who inherited her family home and her family decorations. She is the recipient of new additions regularly and decorates her entire Continue reading Decorating with joy

Holiday choices

The autumn and winter holidays are full of choices for me again this year. My memories of the loss of family members began a long time ago. My great-grandfather died when I was in my late teens. His is the Continue reading Holiday choices

Giving thanks for healing

Healing is the focus of my thanks this holiday weekend. The rest God grants me yields blessing of health in many areas of my life this year, both in body and soul. The chronic disease is healing. My need for Continue reading Giving thanks for healing

Faith before fruit

Paul said that believers would be perfected until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6). That process of being perfected continues until we breathe out last breath or we are transformed at His return. But the process requires our cooperation Continue reading Faith before fruit

New realization of His goodness

  The goodness of God is very real to me. I perceive it today in a new way. In his new book, “Next Level Thinking”, my pastor tells the story of his daughter asking for cash for an outing Continue reading New realization of His goodness

Making progress

There is progress on the pathway to healing my vision. My followup for cataract surgery this week with my ophthalmologic surgeon was promising. The exam showed I need an unusual prescription for computer and reading glasses but being different is Continue reading Making progress

Anticipating His goodness

I anticipate God’s favor and goodness. The delay in my second cataract surgery also put my job search on hold (you can’t work if you can’t see). Now I am restarting my search for a new income stream, and have Continue reading Anticipating His goodness

Celebrating today

I am celebrating many things today. I rejoice in the healing of my vision. I am thankful for the grace to improve lifestyle choices that have resulted in healing in my body as reflected by recent laboratory results. I am Continue reading Celebrating today