Only By His Grace

My family reunion was blessed. My three sisters and brother and I have chosen to be adults in attitude as well as age. As my brother observed, we have dealt with the issues between us as children and decided to Continue reading Only By His Grace

Waiting and Acting Now

One life challenge for all of us is to complete tasks and reach goals in a timely manner. At one time, I was too good at it, doing tasks out of fear instead of faith. I remember feeling panicked if Continue reading Waiting and Acting Now

Faithful Friends, Faithful God

Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking or neglecting to assemble together [as believers], as is the habit of some people, but admonishing (warning, urging, and encouraging) one another, and all the more faithfully as you see the day approaching. Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC) Copyright Continue reading Faithful Friends, Faithful God

Patience With My Soul

Moving forward requires more time than I like. Being patient with myself is one of my great struggles. Self-criticism is an enemy that I thought I had conquered, apparently not entirely as yet. Members of my high school graduating classed Continue reading Patience With My Soul

Our God Heals

A friend had a very bad experience. Her husband was promised a job that would have taken care of a number of issues in their life. And then the promise was broken. My friend was very angry. She said things Continue reading Our God Heals

At every meal

Christians call this Holy Week. We remember that Jesus completed the task of giving His life to pay for the sins of the world and rose in newness of life, offering eternal forgiveness to all who would receive His sacrifice. Continue reading At every meal

Expecting a miracle

I believe God is going to do a miracle for me. Seeking His face for my health yielded instruction to seek out a person of greater faith and anointing to pray for me. As He would have it, there is Continue reading Expecting a miracle

My daily allowance

We have heard the scriptures about God being the provider of all our needs, that He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and that He cares for His people. I struggle with allowing that to be reality in my Continue reading My daily allowance

Can you help, please?

Can you help me, please? If you’ve purchased my book on Amazon and enjoyed reading it, would you consider posting a review on Amazon? I’ve found out that reviews drive both visibility and inclusion on Amazon lists. I cannot insert Continue reading Can you help, please?

His plans are intricate

I experienced the intricacy of God’s planning abilities this weekend. My long-awaited and prayed-for book publishing happened on Amazon this month. The story idea came to me so many years ago that I cannot pinpoint the time. The finished story Continue reading His plans are intricate