Valley of Trouble or Hope?

Hosea 2:14-15 “So I am going to attract her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her. There I will give her back her vineyards, and I will make the Valley of Trouble a door of Continue reading Valley of Trouble or Hope?

Encouraging Words

My word from God for this year is pathways – pathways to healing, provision, and relationships. Words and stories through others encourage me to walk in faith that the word for this year will be fulfilled. In the spring, a Continue reading Encouraging Words

Walking in Mother’s Lessons

My mother would have been 100 later this year. She was 91 years old when she died. This week, I am pondering the lessons I learned from her while she lived and contemplating those I have learned since her homegoing. Continue reading Walking in Mother’s Lessons

Contentment Lesson

  As I wrote in January, this year my lesson is about contentment. It has been challenging to my natural personality once again. My walk with the Lord since 1978 has been about becoming more like Him and God is Continue reading Contentment Lesson

Feast of Trumpets

Sundown in Jerusalem is approaching today, September 25, 2022. Feast of Trumpets, the first of the unfulfilled Jewish feasts begins with it. (For more information about the feasts, one online resource is ).   I will be spending this Continue reading Feast of Trumpets

Perseverance in Challenge

Elizabeth II of Great Britain died last week. Her passing has evoked remembrances of my mother. They were only two years apart at birth, but there were similarities in their characters that speak to my current life challenges. The examples Continue reading Perseverance in Challenge

Books on Kindle Unlimited

My subscribers who have Kindle Unlimited might want to check out my books at the links below. Please consider writing a review if you enjoy them.  Thanks, Peg Parker  

Peace in Dark Times

Darkness and dark clouds seem to be hovering over us all lately. A rumor of war has become reality. Continued transmission of disease that shut down our societies threatens to again bring life to a halt. Financial pressure comes with Continue reading Peace in Dark Times

Fostering Contentment

The word of the Lord for me this year is “contentment.” It seems a simple word but the more I look into the scriptures and a Bible study on the word, its complexities and repercussions grow. I usually write about Continue reading Fostering Contentment

Bringing Order to My Home

  Moving and unpacking has forced me to work to bring order in my new home. In making progress, I realize that establishing order in my life is paramount to my peace. Order is defined in one dictionary entry as Continue reading Bringing Order to My Home