Help! I need wisdom

Someone I know must have figured this out. I knew that having only distance vision after cataract surgery could be challenging at times, but several incidents lately have me stumped. I do fine at home; I have multiple pairs of Continue reading Help! I need wisdom

An even happier New Year!

This New Year is different. I know in my spirit and soul that 2019 will mean fulfillment of dreams as no year has done for me for a very long time. A season of serious pruning is nearly complete: The Continue reading An even happier New Year!

Celebrating today

I am celebrating many things today. I rejoice in the healing of my vision. I am thankful for the grace to improve lifestyle choices that have resulted in healing in my body as reflected by recent laboratory results. I am Continue reading Celebrating today

Last of a series

My final eye surgery is scheduled for next week. I have been reminded this week of a concept God showed me a long time ago. What I wrote before is still true and His faithfulness is sure: Ps 131:2 Surely Continue reading Last of a series

Books for change

I believe I have been changed for the better by reading and absorbing a number of books other than the Bible written by godly Christians. Any written by Andrew Murray. Fiction by Grace Livingston Hill. But two in particular I Continue reading Books for change

Another answer comes

God’s answers are sometimes not what we hope for but they are best. My youngest grandchild rests in the peace of Jesus and his loved ones welcomed him last week to eternity. Josiah Gabriel made himself known while he was Continue reading Another answer comes

Truly Free

A Facebook friend posted a notice a few weeks ago about a Kindle book sale: Robert Morris’ “Truly Free – Breaking The Snares That So Easily Entangle” and I jumped on the opportunity. I love Robert Morris as a gift Continue reading Truly Free

Faithful God heals my friend

One of my best friends and prayer partner was very ill this winter. She developed trouble breathing and had cough and shortness of breath. She is a former smoker for 27 years. She was diagnosed with COPD by an internal Continue reading Faithful God heals my friend