Help! I need wisdom

Someone I know must have figured this out. I knew that having only distance vision after cataract surgery could be challenging at times, but several incidents lately have me stumped. I do fine at home; I have multiple pairs of Continue reading Help! I need wisdom

An even happier New Year!

This New Year is different. I know in my spirit and soul that 2019 will mean fulfillment of dreams as no year has done for me for a very long time. A season of serious pruning is nearly complete: The Continue reading An even happier New Year!

Faith before fruit

Paul said that believers would be perfected until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6). That process of being perfected continues until we breathe out last breath or we are transformed at His return. But the process requires our cooperation Continue reading Faith before fruit

Fighting with myself – or not

I am reading a book about how to finish projects. Jon Acuff’s “Finish” is opening my eyes to issues I didn’t know I had. Initially, I am shocked that things I have believed are based on lies but the Continue reading Fighting with myself – or not

The path grows brighter still

The path before me grows brighter. I am so excited that God is leading. I grow more and more certain that His promise to keep me on His path for the next stage in my life is being fulfilled. I Continue reading The path grows brighter still

Making progress

There is progress on the pathway to healing my vision. My followup for cataract surgery this week with my ophthalmologic surgeon was promising. The exam showed I need an unusual prescription for computer and reading glasses but being different is Continue reading Making progress

Anticipating His goodness

I anticipate God’s favor and goodness. The delay in my second cataract surgery also put my job search on hold (you can’t work if you can’t see). Now I am restarting my search for a new income stream, and have Continue reading Anticipating His goodness

Rejoicing today and forever

I rejoice today in the healing of my sight that cataract surgery has accomplished. I had no idea how bad my sight had become until after my second cataract surgery. Both were very successful and I should only need reading Continue reading Rejoicing today and forever

Last of a series

My final eye surgery is scheduled for next week. I have been reminded this week of a concept God showed me a long time ago. What I wrote before is still true and His faithfulness is sure: Ps 131:2 Surely Continue reading Last of a series

Same question, different answers

It is a first. The first time I can remember. An agent (live person) from a federal agency told me another federal agency is the one I need to accomplish a task. The automated response at the second said it Continue reading Same question, different answers