New life dreams

Dreams of new life have invaded my sleep. I have been dreaming about newborn babies, one premature, others full term, but all of them have had life threatening problems. In the dreams, I am unable to care for or touch Continue reading New life dreams

Waiting on the promise

  Hebrew 10: 35-37: Do not, therefore, fling away your [fearless] confidence, for it has a glorious and great reward. For you have need of patient endurance [to bear up under difficult circumstances without compromising], so that when you have carried out the Continue reading Waiting on the promise

My daily allowance

We have heard the scriptures about God being the provider of all our needs, that He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and that He cares for His people. I struggle with allowing that to be reality in my Continue reading My daily allowance

His plans are intricate

I experienced the intricacy of God’s planning abilities this weekend. My long-awaited and prayed-for book publishing happened on Amazon this month. The story idea came to me so many years ago that I cannot pinpoint the time. The finished story Continue reading His plans are intricate

Remembering What I’ve Said

I have to listen to my own advice this week. Where I am is so much like being pregnant, especially the first time. I knew then that I was having a baby and I know now that a new life Continue reading Remembering What I’ve Said

New book link

I’ve been told by friends that the original links in my previous post didn’t work to buy my new book. Amazon has now integrated the two formats and it can be found here: Hope everyone who is interested can find Continue reading New book link

Remembering What He’s Done

I realized about two weeks ago that I am entering the finish of a season. It takes nine months to birth a baby and I am nearing that amount of time since my job ended and a season of rest Continue reading Remembering What He’s Done

Greater freedom

God is faithful to free me from the past yet again. He used a resource I had purchased almost three years ago to expose my need for healing and deliverance. I had read Robert Morris’ book “Truly Free” not long after Continue reading Greater freedom

It’s about time

Joyce Meyer shared in a teaching broadcast that her son once asked “What are we calling Dying to Self this time?” I face another choice in this never-ending quest this week. And it’s about time. I share regularly with friends, Continue reading It’s about time

Intertwined lives

God is faithful to remind me that we are intertwined with one another on this earth. I noticed on Facebook this morning that two of my friends know each other, a fact I had not realized before. I also became Continue reading Intertwined lives