Highs and lows

It’s been a week of highs and lows. And highs again. Got a contact lens for the eye that is healing with cataract surgery at the end. It’s for distance only and lets me use reading/computer glasses that allow my Continue reading Highs and lows

Second eye, repeat verse

Recently, I had surgery on my other eye. The nodule on the right eye was removed last year and I had cataract surgery in March. My left eye requires the same treatment, and will heal from the nodule surgery with Continue reading Second eye, repeat verse

New life for spring

I always sense newness of life at this time of year. The spring growth probably inspires me but it’s more than that just now. Illness and unrelated surgery have changed how I live life; I take better care of myself Continue reading New life for spring

New vision is mine!

I am exceedingly happy to announce that God has proved Himself faithful to me once again. My cataract surgery was very successful. As many others have said, I didn’t know how much my vision was impaired until the day after Continue reading New vision is mine!

Encouraging progress by His grace

Facing a new diagnosis of a chronic illness is not pleasant. I have decided that learning from each challenge in my life is the only way to stop repeating errors and to follow God’s plan. To recap, a flu-like illness Continue reading Encouraging progress by His grace

My times are truly in His hands

God is never late although it seems He is when we are waiting. I am convinced He cannot be late because of His character. Unlike me, He sets everything in motion at the right time. His omniscience precludes any tardiness. Continue reading My times are truly in His hands

Path will grow brighter

I am looking forward in a new way. Seeking God for a way to spend my days writing about His faithfulness is heavy on my heart. Circumstances at work are such that the delight is waning, a sure sign in Continue reading Path will grow brighter

He teaches, I learn

God demonstrates His faithfulness to teach me and answer my prayers in ways I don’t expect. Recently, He demonstrated to me how perfectly He understands my nature and needs. I received a gift in the mail that will let me Continue reading He teaches, I learn