Last of a series

My final eye surgery is scheduled for next week. I have been reminded this week of a concept God showed me a long time ago. What I wrote before is still true and His faithfulness is sure: Ps 131:2 Surely Continue reading Last of a series

Same question, different answers

It is a first. The first time I can remember. An agent (live person) from a federal agency told me another federal agency is the one I need to accomplish a task. The automated response at the second said it Continue reading Same question, different answers

Peace in Uncertain Times

My family is in the midst of uncertain times and peace reigns and rains. My youngest grandchild is seriously ill and without a creative miracle, his future with us is doubtful. My son told me today that people have marveled Continue reading Peace in Uncertain Times

Waiting and answers

My family is waiting on God to move. My newest grandchild is 2 weeks old, was born prematurely, and has serious health problems. We have been praying and speaking healing over my grandson. I have asked others to join me Continue reading Waiting and answers

Highs and lows

It’s been a week of highs and lows. And highs again. Got a contact lens for the eye that is healing with cataract surgery at the end. It’s for distance only and lets me use reading/computer glasses that allow my Continue reading Highs and lows

Healing to come

Wednesday is the day my healing begins. I will go to have a corneal nodule removed from my eye in preparation for cataract surgery. The second opinion convinced me that the nodule removal is necessary for better vision the rest Continue reading Healing to come

New healing

I’m asking God for a new level of healing. I realize that my sensitive gut is more sensitive than I thought and I’m asking God to heal me completely, not just partially. I talked last time about my cataract surgery Continue reading New healing

New challenges

Unexpected challenges dot our lives, sometimes with exclamation points. I planned in my mind how my cataract surgery would go, easy to schedule, covered by insurance, a friend to help in the first 24 hours, back to work with no Continue reading New challenges