Remembering Billy Graham

The Reverend Billy Graham died this week. I saw him in person once, and it was a very important day in my life. My grandmother invited my sister and me to go with her and my father’s cousin to see Continue reading Remembering Billy Graham

Abandon why and when

I will change what I ask God. This weekend Joyce Meyer was at my church. She spoke three different messages, all connected, at three services and I watched them all online. I realized as I listened that two words need Continue reading Abandon why and when

The list never ends

I make lists. I am a list maker. I need a list to accomplish tasks that are important in my life. I keep my list in a 9 x 6 inch spiral notebook. The list is rewritten about every two Continue reading The list never ends

Encouraging progress by His grace

Facing a new diagnosis of a chronic illness is not pleasant. I have decided that learning from each challenge in my life is the only way to stop repeating errors and to follow God’s plan. To recap, a flu-like illness Continue reading Encouraging progress by His grace

My times are truly in His hands

God is never late although it seems He is when we are waiting. I am convinced He cannot be late because of His character. Unlike me, He sets everything in motion at the right time. His omniscience precludes any tardiness. Continue reading My times are truly in His hands

Best laid plans

My best plan fell through. I had to cancel my appointment for cataract surgery because I had what my doctor thinks was the flu. And then the other shoe dropped. My lab work done in getting a return to work Continue reading Best laid plans

A new level of gratitude

God is taking me to a new level of gratitude. He is teaching me how to be thankful for what is going on that I cannot yet see. He is also leading me to a place of thankfulness for the Continue reading A new level of gratitude

Selfishness at the root

Many Bible teachers say that the first sin was pride. Lucifer was prideful and wanted to be like God and take His place. I’ve considered that pride is not the root; it is selfishness. The events in our world convince Continue reading Selfishness at the root

Path will grow brighter

I am looking forward in a new way. Seeking God for a way to spend my days writing about His faithfulness is heavy on my heart. Circumstances at work are such that the delight is waning, a sure sign in Continue reading Path will grow brighter