Linking Grace and Forgiveness

Grace, the mysterious attribute of God that astonishes us all linking grace and forgiveness. As humans, we are made in His likeness, but the depth and breadth of who He is out of the bounds of our understanding. Especially grace. Continue reading Linking Grace and Forgiveness

Leading Me Further Down the Path

My faithful God is leading me further down the road He has for my life. I’ve been writing about the stirring in my spirit that’s been going on for a long time. That stirring is producing tangible fruit that I Continue reading Leading Me Further Down the Path

Renewed Community

Today I rejoice in a renewed sense of community. I attended a group of women gathering to encourage and love one another and we did. Understanding that we do life together is foundational to the Christian walk. God intends us Continue reading Renewed Community

Still Holding My Hand

  This year is one of learning to believe God wants to hold my hand and lead me. I have lived a life led by the Holy Spirit for many years but the depth of trust and understanding of His Continue reading Still Holding My Hand

Another Major Event

Major life events keep happening in my world. Last week, a polar vortex dropped a severe winter storm into Texas. Other states have suffered as well. Here in Southeast Texas, snow and ice is extremely rare. The memes saying Texas Continue reading Another Major Event

His Way for Me

Dying to self is never fun. And I need to do it again. I thought that a season in my life was over. The opening employment door takes me back to my profession of more than 20 years. My friend’s Continue reading His Way for Me

Necessary Vision

Wisdom encourages me to ask for vision. God provides. Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction. Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Continue reading Necessary Vision

Speaking Truth In Love

Speaking the truth in love has been a phrase that always pertained to impending correction in my mind. I am realizing that there is also a connotation of positivity to be found in the scripture. Lunch with a friend who Continue reading Speaking Truth In Love

Worshiping Warriors

Isolation marks this season for many of us, especially those who live alone, as I do. God provides a unique connection for me five days a week that has made all the difference in my attitude and ability to not Continue reading Worshiping Warriors

New Book Available

My new book is available at Amazon. “The Cleft For Life” is published in Kindle and paperback form and includes my study of the Bible regarding clefts as well as lessons learned while meeting God in my Cleft For Life.  Continue reading New Book Available