
Thank you to all my subscribers. My blog has surpassed 10,000 registered users! God has blessed my connections with you all since 2013 when I started this blog to encourage believers to make time for Him. My goal is to Continue reading Celebrating!

Books on Kindle Unlimited

My subscribers who have Kindle Unlimited might want to check out my books at the links below. Please consider writing a review if you enjoy them.  Thanks, Peg Parker  

Provision for my Calling

God is teaching me about what I believe and how it makes a difference in the effectiveness of my prayer life. Fortunately, that knowledge has exposed a lie that I had accepted for many years, including after accepting Jesus as Continue reading Provision for my Calling

New Year, Renewed Hope

Isaiah 43:18-19 “Do not remember the former things, Or ponder the things of the past. Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even Continue reading New Year, Renewed Hope

New Book Available

My new book is available at Amazon. “The Cleft For Life” is published in Kindle and paperback form and includes my study of the Bible regarding clefts as well as lessons learned while meeting God in my Cleft For Life.  Continue reading New Book Available

Independent to a Fault

In the United States, we talk about raising our children to be independent of their parents and to stand on their own. It seems a noble goal – for adults to take care of themselves and their families without the Continue reading Independent to a Fault

Expert Weaver at Work

My maternal grandmother executed exquisite hand crafts of many kinds. She knitted, crocheted, tatted, made rag and braided rugs, and sewed beautiful garments and quilts. Her skills were extraordinary even for a time when women created many of the needs Continue reading Expert Weaver at Work

Fiddly Bits

I don’t do fiddly bits well. Fiddly is an old British term that means complicated or detailed and awkward to do or use. My delight in pre-World War II literature yields words in my vocabulary not much in use these Continue reading Fiddly Bits

Promises Yield Peace

A new depth of peace rules my soul these days. I attribute it to more complete acceptance of God’s promises for my life and future. Remembering His faithfulness to provide for my home almost 14 years ago fuels faith. His Continue reading Promises Yield Peace

Resources Page Updated

The Resources page at The Cleft For Life has been updated with the correct links. Please take a look! https://thecleftforlife.com/resources/