His Perfect Timing

God is faithful to teach me how to trust His timing. My natural personality makes waiting difficult. He changes my heart to be more like His, for He knows the awesome result that comes from a perfectly timed event. I Continue reading His Perfect Timing

Do I Like Myself?

Something amazing is happening for me. In my quiet time last week, I found myself telling God that I love being me. I was surprised to hear it coming out of my mouth. I am my own worst critic – Continue reading Do I Like Myself?

Warfare on the Horizon

The stirring began in September that warfare is on the horizon. A military based TV show came to my notice. Its authenticity is well documented. I have been learning from it ever since. Teamwork and pushing through until a mission Continue reading Warfare on the Horizon

Still in the Waiting Room

Timing is everything, some say. The waiting room is my current figurative location, waiting for my name to be called. Apparently, it is how God is working in me patience and the ability to wait with a good attitude. He Continue reading Still in the Waiting Room

Hindsight for Hope

Remembering God’s faithfulness to put me in the right place at the right time came to the fore in my mind this week. The funeral of a friend from my first church in the Houston area reminded me of how Continue reading Hindsight for Hope

Independent to a Fault

In the United States, we talk about raising our children to be independent of their parents and to stand on their own. It seems a noble goal – for adults to take care of themselves and their families without the Continue reading Independent to a Fault

Expert Weaver at Work

My maternal grandmother executed exquisite hand crafts of many kinds. She knitted, crocheted, tatted, made rag and braided rugs, and sewed beautiful garments and quilts. Her skills were extraordinary even for a time when women created many of the needs Continue reading Expert Weaver at Work

Promises Yield Peace

A new depth of peace rules my soul these days. I attribute it to more complete acceptance of God’s promises for my life and future. Remembering His faithfulness to provide for my home almost 14 years ago fuels faith. His Continue reading Promises Yield Peace

Only By His Grace

My family reunion was blessed. My three sisters and brother and I have chosen to be adults in attitude as well as age. As my brother observed, we have dealt with the issues between us as children and decided to Continue reading Only By His Grace

Waiting and Acting Now

One life challenge for all of us is to complete tasks and reach goals in a timely manner. At one time, I was too good at it, doing tasks out of fear instead of faith. I remember feeling panicked if Continue reading Waiting and Acting Now