A friend testifies about God’s blessings

My friend, Judith Emmons, honors us by sharing her testimony of God’s blessing of salvation and a fulfilling life because of Jesus and His sacrifice: Part One: The Catholic Years I was born on a Catholic Holy Day, in Saint Continue reading A friend testifies about God’s blessings

I AM, your Father

Each year, I ask God for a word or phrase for spiritual focus. This year, it is “I AM, your Father.” I believe God wants to deepen my relationship with Him as my Father. My memories of fathers are mixed. Continue reading I AM, your Father

Christmas Peace 2024

Peace always descends with Christmas because Jesus brought it with Him and left it for those who believe. Contentment and peace are interrelated – choosing contentment brings peace. My new home is a place of contentment for me. I choose Continue reading Christmas Peace 2024

Releasing an independent spirit

God has been speaking to my spirit and soul about a lifelong problem: An inappropriate spirit of independence. My natural personality made its appearance in my life inevitable. The first time I took a personality test, it showed I was Continue reading Releasing an independent spirit

Valley of Trouble or Hope?

Hosea 2:14-15 “So I am going to attract her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her. There I will give her back her vineyards, and I will make the Valley of Trouble a door of Continue reading Valley of Trouble or Hope?

Walking in Mother’s Lessons

My mother would have been 100 later this year. She was 91 years old when she died. This week, I am pondering the lessons I learned from her while she lived and contemplating those I have learned since her homegoing. Continue reading Walking in Mother’s Lessons

Linking Grace and Forgiveness

Grace, the mysterious attribute of God that astonishes us all linking grace and forgiveness. As humans, we are made in His likeness, but the depth and breadth of who He is out of the bounds of our understanding. Especially grace. Continue reading Linking Grace and Forgiveness

Perseverance in Challenge

Elizabeth II of Great Britain died last week. Her passing has evoked remembrances of my mother. They were only two years apart at birth, but there were similarities in their characters that speak to my current life challenges. The examples Continue reading Perseverance in Challenge

Books on Kindle Unlimited

My subscribers who have Kindle Unlimited might want to check out my books at the links below. Please consider writing a review if you enjoy them.  Thanks, Peg Parker  

Whom are we to believe?

Confusion about the truth seems to reign in the media and on social platforms. To my ear, even some so-called experts are speaking their opinions, not necessarily based in fact. For Christians, looking to God for the truth is paramount. Continue reading Whom are we to believe?