Peace in Dark Times

Darkness and dark clouds seem to be hovering over us all lately. A rumor of war has become reality. Continued transmission of disease that shut down our societies threatens to again bring life to a halt. Financial pressure comes with Continue reading Peace in Dark Times

Fostering Contentment

The word of the Lord for me this year is “contentment.” It seems a simple word but the more I look into the scriptures and a Bible study on the word, its complexities and repercussions grow. I usually write about Continue reading Fostering Contentment

The Lord My Healer

My last news was about selling my house and moving. Since then, my house is under contract. and I will be moving nearer to family. Gratitude for the blessing overwhelms my heart. But I am most grateful for healing. A Continue reading The Lord My Healer

Leading Me Further Down the Path

My faithful God is leading me further down the road He has for my life. I’ve been writing about the stirring in my spirit that’s been going on for a long time. That stirring is producing tangible fruit that I Continue reading Leading Me Further Down the Path

Family Maturity

Families disintegrate at an amazing rate in these times. One I know ended recently. Others speak online or in conversation about distancing between adult siblings and/or parents. I am so grateful that the prayers of my grandmothers and mother were Continue reading Family Maturity

Remembering Mother’s Lessons

Five year ago, my mother died. She was 91 years old. Today, I’m pondering the lessons I learned from her while she lived and contemplating those I’ve learned since her homegoing. And it was homegoing. Her love for God was Continue reading Remembering Mother’s Lessons

Still Holding My Hand

  This year is one of learning to believe God wants to hold my hand and lead me. I have lived a life led by the Holy Spirit for many years but the depth of trust and understanding of His Continue reading Still Holding My Hand

Eternal Life – The Best Promise

Changing perspectives requires divine intervention for me. My mind does not easily shift to an eternal view. God took the reins in worship last week; He uses my abandoning myself and seeking His face to show me truth. During a Continue reading Eternal Life – The Best Promise

Another Major Event

Major life events keep happening in my world. Last week, a polar vortex dropped a severe winter storm into Texas. Other states have suffered as well. Here in Southeast Texas, snow and ice is extremely rare. The memes saying Texas Continue reading Another Major Event

Major Life Events Show His Faithfulness

Major life events push believers to question if we need to change or should have done something to enhance or prevent them. A friend is processing a serious family event. Our conversation about it sparks reflection on my history with Continue reading Major Life Events Show His Faithfulness