Releasing an independent spirit

God has been speaking to my spirit and soul about a lifelong problem: An inappropriate spirit of independence. My natural personality made its appearance in my life inevitable. The first time I took a personality test, it showed I was Continue reading Releasing an independent spirit

Valley of Trouble or Hope?

Hosea 2:14-15 “So I am going to attract her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her. There I will give her back her vineyards, and I will make the Valley of Trouble a door of Continue reading Valley of Trouble or Hope?

Encouraging Words

My word from God for this year is pathways – pathways to healing, provision, and relationships. Words and stories through others encourage me to walk in faith that the word for this year will be fulfilled. In the spring, a Continue reading Encouraging Words

Uncomfortable Answers

My habit is to ask God for wisdom, knowledge, discernment, and understanding regarding my life, my health, and my future. He is faithful to answer. Sometimes though, the answers are uncomfortable. As you may recall, I have struggled for years Continue reading Uncomfortable Answers

Pathways 2024

My mission this year is seeking God’s pathways. God always graciously gives me a word for the new year. He leads me daily and annually, for which I am so grateful. The word “pathways” is for 2024 and applies in Continue reading Pathways 2024

Thankful at All Times

My health concerns continue, but I am thankful daily that my bloodwork and other markers are improving. In November, my specialist reviewed my labs and made recommendations for supplements to improve my status. They are working! My bloodwork and daily Continue reading Thankful at All Times

Examination versus Judgment

My task this year is to learn how to walk unashamed. Another element of the lesson is to discern the difference between examination and judgment. In the last two months, I have been remembering times when I failed. I realize Continue reading Examination versus Judgment

Contentment Lesson

  As I wrote in January, this year my lesson is about contentment. It has been challenging to my natural personality once again. My walk with the Lord since 1978 has been about becoming more like Him and God is Continue reading Contentment Lesson

Books on Kindle Unlimited

My subscribers who have Kindle Unlimited might want to check out my books at the links below. Please consider writing a review if you enjoy them.  Thanks, Peg Parker  

Whom are we to believe?

Confusion about the truth seems to reign in the media and on social platforms. To my ear, even some so-called experts are speaking their opinions, not necessarily based in fact. For Christians, looking to God for the truth is paramount. Continue reading Whom are we to believe?