Resurrecting Hard Won Skills

My skills in editing and layout are going to be resurrected. I once served an editor at a 6-day a week newspaper. My last position there was wire editor including page one and the editorial page. I’m no longer seeking Continue reading Resurrecting Hard Won Skills

Fiddly Bits

I don’t do fiddly bits well. Fiddly is an old British term that means complicated or detailed and awkward to do or use. My delight in pre-World War II literature yields words in my vocabulary not much in use these Continue reading Fiddly Bits

Can you help, please?

Can you help me, please? If you’ve purchased my book on Amazon and enjoyed reading it, would you consider posting a review on Amazon? I’ve found out that reviews drive both visibility and inclusion on Amazon lists. I cannot insert Continue reading Can you help, please?

His plans are intricate

I experienced the intricacy of God’s planning abilities this weekend. My long-awaited and prayed-for book publishing happened on Amazon this month. The story idea came to me so many years ago that I cannot pinpoint the time. The finished story Continue reading His plans are intricate

New book link

I’ve been told by friends that the original links in my previous post didn’t work to buy my new book. Amazon has now integrated the two formats and it can be found here: Hope everyone who is interested can find Continue reading New book link

Book published at last!

I am very excited to tell you all that my book has been published on Amazon. It’s an updated and expanded version of my serial book published here in 2014/2015. The name is Weaving Love’s Hidden Pattern and is available Continue reading Book published at last!

A surprise identity

I was surprised to learn I thought I was an orphan. I’m watching Jimmy Evans’ series at Gateway Church on giving and your best life. He shared that early in his walk with Jesus, he realized that he had an Continue reading A surprise identity

Focusing on the best

The season of sappy holiday movies is over and done with. For me it is over and done with for good. My internet-based TV provider had one of the lifestyle networks as a free offering in December. In times I Continue reading Focusing on the best

Seasonal revelation

My pastor, Joel Osteen, hit the nail on the head this weekend. John 15 explains what happens to believers as they journey on a fruitful path – God prunes them and their lives for greater fruit production – and it Continue reading Seasonal revelation

Books for change

I believe I have been changed for the better by reading and absorbing a number of books other than the Bible written by godly Christians. Any written by Andrew Murray. Fiction by Grace Livingston Hill. But two in particular I Continue reading Books for change