Expert Weaver at Work

My maternal grandmother executed exquisite hand crafts of many kinds. She knitted, crocheted, tatted, made rag and braided rugs, and sewed beautiful garments and quilts. Her skills were extraordinary even for a time when women created many of the needs Continue reading Expert Weaver at Work

Promises Yield Peace

A new depth of peace rules my soul these days. I attribute it to more complete acceptance of God’s promises for my life and future. Remembering His faithfulness to provide for my home almost 14 years ago fuels faith. His Continue reading Promises Yield Peace

Only By His Grace

My family reunion was blessed. My three sisters and brother and I have chosen to be adults in attitude as well as age. As my brother observed, we have dealt with the issues between us as children and decided to Continue reading Only By His Grace

Faithful Friends, Faithful God

Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking or neglecting to assemble together [as believers], as is the habit of some people, but admonishing (warning, urging, and encouraging) one another, and all the more faithfully as you see the day approaching. Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC) Copyright Continue reading Faithful Friends, Faithful God

Early Summer Anniversaries

  June is a season of remembrance for me. I graduated from college in June. Father’s Day evokes memories of my family: A great-grandfather who lived until I was 20, my grandfathers, my father, and my sons as fathers. It Continue reading Early Summer Anniversaries

Remembering What Works

A French quote says that “we should swallow a toad every morning, in order to fortify ourselves against the disgust of the rest of the day….” It refers to ungodly 18th century society. For me it applies to physical exercise. Continue reading Remembering What Works

Confidence in New Life

I remember God’s faithfulness 38 years ago. I was embarking on a new life – leaving work and celebrating the birth of my older son. I wasn’t ready for it – I don’t think anyone is ready to be a Continue reading Confidence in New Life

New life dreams

Dreams of new life have invaded my sleep. I have been dreaming about newborn babies, one premature, others full term, but all of them have had life threatening problems. In the dreams, I am unable to care for or touch Continue reading New life dreams

At every meal

Christians call this Holy Week. We remember that Jesus completed the task of giving His life to pay for the sins of the world and rose in newness of life, offering eternal forgiveness to all who would receive His sacrifice. Continue reading At every meal

I believe I am healed!

Today is an update for you all about my healing. Prayer service was wonderful – intimate and engaging. We got to pray with Ms. Dodie Osteen for people as she went through the group. I love agreeing with believers for Continue reading I believe I am healed!