Breaking a habit
I tried to write this for Sunday and have been wrestling with God about it. I only do that when I find I don’t agree with what I’m hearing or I don’t want to expose something about myself. When I Continue reading Breaking a habit
Making time for God in your life
I tried to write this for Sunday and have been wrestling with God about it. I only do that when I find I don’t agree with what I’m hearing or I don’t want to expose something about myself. When I Continue reading Breaking a habit
This is the time of year I fondly remember my two pregnancies and the subsequent births of my sons, both born in June two years apart. My pregnancies were wonderful: Hormone swings disappeared and I enjoyed each one, seeing my Continue reading Babies in June
My grandmother always called it Decoration Day. She was born in 1899 and the name wasn’t changed to Memorial Day until after World War I. The remembrance day for Civil War veterans in the north has evolved into remembering all Continue reading Decoration Day, a day to remember
I am blessed to have family and friends who are faithful to pray for me. This weekend has been an example of that. Friday morning, I woke up with what I thought was a vertigo attack that turned into either Continue reading I know I have friends who pray
My mother first told me about carnations and Mother’s Day. My grandmothers both loved carnations; my father’s mother grew her own. They required special conditions and she made the effort. My mother’s mother loved all flowers but peonies were her Continue reading Carnations for Mother’s Day
I am very blessed to have friendships that have survived over time. I spent Easter afternoon with friends from not so long ago but it was like we’d never been apart. EVERYTHING was the same…I took the same contraband candy, Continue reading Friendships that last
It’s Easter week and tonight, Passover begins. I celebrate Easter more completely since I attended a Passover Seder many years ago. It was a small Spirit-filled Methodist church, the one where I was born again in 1978. A family had Continue reading I see Easter through Passover
And I’m very happy about it. My older son and his entire family including a Labrador retriever and 2 cats have moved in with me temporarily. Their new-to-them home isn’t available yet so they need a place to stay without Continue reading My house has been invaded
Circumstances in my family’s life mean that great change is at the door. I have a choice about how I view what’s coming as to whether it is a threat or a blessing. My older son’s family is moving almost Continue reading Impending change – threat or blessing?
I’m sitting here at my computer telling God that I have nothing to write about. I committed to posting twice a week when I started this blog and was telling my son yesterday that I always have something to share Continue reading What do You want me to write about?
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