Thankful for my SUV

It’s been raining off and on in Texas since Memorial Day. The drought seems to be waning and with Tropical Storm Bill, the rains came down and have continued sporadically since then. I live more than 25 miles from work. When Continue reading Thankful for my SUV

Reflections on Mother’s Day

The celebration of Mother’s Day in my life is very different now. When my sons were young, it meant church in the morning followed by lunch, usually with friends. There was a group who lunched together most weeks after service. Continue reading Reflections on Mother’s Day

Back to basics in The Cleft for Life

I had convinced myself that I knew how God was going to fix a current problem in my life. The answer would have come this past week. It didn’t come the way I thought it would; indeed, it hasn’t been Continue reading Back to basics in The Cleft for Life

Song of Life 19

Epilogue: Ruth’s wedding The early harvest was complete in the land. Sarabek and Ruben were joyful and happy together. Chavvah and Sarabek had become good friends; Chavvah had sent a messenger home with John and Naomi to retrieve Sarabek’s hand Continue reading Song of Life 19

Song of Life 18

The wedding and feast The sun was shining brightly when Sarabek awoke. She found her family had all preceded her in waking and they greeted her with hugs and blessings on the morning of her wedding. They enjoyed the traditional Continue reading Song of Life 18