
Thank you to all my subscribers. My blog has surpassed 10,000 registered users! God has blessed my connections with you all since 2013 when I started this blog to encourage believers to make time for Him. My goal is to Continue reading Celebrating!

Feast of Trumpets

Sundown in Jerusalem is approaching today, September 25, 2022. Feast of Trumpets, the first of the unfulfilled Jewish feasts begins with it. (For more information about the feasts, one online resource is https://www.therefinersfire.org/jewish_holidays.htm ).   I will be spending this Continue reading Feast of Trumpets

Perseverance in Challenge

Elizabeth II of Great Britain died last week. Her passing has evoked remembrances of my mother. They were only two years apart at birth, but there were similarities in their characters that speak to my current life challenges. The examples Continue reading Perseverance in Challenge