On the road again

I wrote the following some time ago: “I’m back on the road to writing again. My visit with the gastroenterologist proved helpful and she prescribed a specialized medication. I believe that I have favor with my insurance company and it Continue reading On the road again

Looking back, looking forward

We celebrated my mother’s 91st birthday earlier this month. I hadn’t seen her since June 2014 when we had a big party with family and friends during her 90th year. My sisters tried to prepare me but I was shocked Continue reading Looking back, looking forward

He teaches, I learn

God demonstrates His faithfulness to teach me and answer my prayers in ways I don’t expect. Recently, He demonstrated to me how perfectly He understands my nature and needs. I received a gift in the mail that will let me Continue reading He teaches, I learn

Reflections on Mother’s Day

The celebration of Mother’s Day in my life is very different now. When my sons were young, it meant church in the morning followed by lunch, usually with friends. There was a group who lunched together most weeks after service. Continue reading Reflections on Mother’s Day

Back to basics in The Cleft for Life

I had convinced myself that I knew how God was going to fix a current problem in my life. The answer would have come this past week. It didn’t come the way I thought it would; indeed, it hasn’t been Continue reading Back to basics in The Cleft for Life

Faithful God heals my friend

One of my best friends and prayer partner was very ill this winter. She developed trouble breathing and had cough and shortness of breath. She is a former smoker for 27 years. She was diagnosed with COPD by an internal Continue reading Faithful God heals my friend