He Is Lord Most High

Psalm 7:7,17 Let the assembled peoples gather around you, while you sit enthroned over them on high….I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the Lord Most High. New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New Continue reading He Is Lord Most High

Memorials So We Remember

Let’s think about how to remember God’s faithfulness through this COVID-19 pandemic. Psalms 106 and 107 are pertinent to this season. Psalm 106 recounts that the children of Israel forgot what God had done for them at the Red Sea, Continue reading Memorials So We Remember

Loving One Another As Needed

Are you stir-crazy yet? I fight it by staggering my grocery runs. On each trip, I have my sunroof open and Michael McDonald or Blood, Sweat and Tears blasting on my stereo. But I started thinking a couple of days Continue reading Loving One Another As Needed

Another Pruning

This period of isolation and true confinement results in still another season of pruning for me. Jesus made it clear that our path is to become better fruit producers – and the less of me there is, the more of Continue reading Another Pruning

Obliterate Fear

The prospect of loved ones and friends suffering and perhaps dying from COVID-19 confronts us all. A dear friend’s sibling is fighting for life in an ICU bed as I write this. Another friend is concerned for her adult child Continue reading Obliterate Fear

Dress Rehearsal

The church is responding positively to what I see as an ongoing rehearsal. The corona virus is clearly a serious issue in the realms of health, politics, and the economy. The tragic loss of life is horrific. But I believe Continue reading Dress Rehearsal

Being of Sound Mind

Health concerns are at the forefront of the news. I am remembering all the times in my life when my health was an overriding issue and how God provided healing, but especially when He gave my physicians wisdom for and Continue reading Being of Sound Mind

Faithfulness Revealed

Convertible/sunroof weather floods Southeast Texas just now. My open SUV sunroof and riding around with my CD player blasting reminds me of my white 1973 MGB convertible. I loved driving that car. It was my last before the years of Continue reading Faithfulness Revealed

Provision for my Calling

God is teaching me about what I believe and how it makes a difference in the effectiveness of my prayer life. Fortunately, that knowledge has exposed a lie that I had accepted for many years, including after accepting Jesus as Continue reading Provision for my Calling

Living Fearlessly

“Fearless” comes at me from all directions this week, from songs to Bible study. God is challenging me to throw off the negative effects of my own mistakes and the decisions of others that have negatively impacted my life. He Continue reading Living Fearlessly