I AM, your Father

Photo by Jonas Kaiser on Unsplash

Each year, I ask God for a word or phrase for spiritual focus. This year, it is “I AM, your Father.” I believe God wants to deepen my relationship with Him as my Father.

My memories of fathers are mixed. My own was wonderful with small children, especially babies. My mother told the story of him taking me out on the porch wrapped in a quilt to help me overcome my fear of thunderstorms. He succeeded because I delight in them now. Indeed, one time when we lived on top of a hill, my then husband had to insist that I come indoors or risk getting hit by lightning. I remember my dad rocking my youngest sister to sleep after calming her with a song about a bear. I see the gift in one of my nephews; at my sister’s home, one of his grandchildren was nearly inconsolable. He walked with the little one and rocked them. A restorative nap followed.

But babies grow up and my father was mostly absent after I was 13. His infidelity, economic abuse, and unwillingness to go to counseling forced my mother to take action that resulted in divorce. I never spent a complete day or night with him after that.

I have seen wonderful fathers too. My best friend’s father became Daddy Bill to me. He was one of my favorite people as a teenager. A friend from church took my sons into his life and showed them what a good father looked like. They both follow his example to this day.

I spent quiet time sitting in my Father God’s lap, especially during times of turmoil and testing. Sometimes, it meant tears; during others, I would fall asleep, resting from the stress that threatened my peace. He became and is my refuge.

So, the word phrase for this year is exciting and challenging, as they always are. What needs to change in my spirit, soul, and body to become more His child, His delight? I will share with you all as I find out. He is faithful to teach me through the Holy Spirit.

2 Corinthians 6:18 …I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty.”  The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.


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