Sad and Sorrowing Soul

Great sorrow and sadness envelop my soul. The events of the last couple of weeks have been more than disturbing. I have been in mourning, remembering a time when civility and mutual respect reigned in my sphere of influence. I have cut myself off from most social media recently. The echoes of distrust and dislike fill my heart with dread. I need peace more than any time I can remember.

I needed peace when my mother was forced to divorce my father due to his abandonment and infidelity.

I needed peace in the spring of 1970 when my university shut down in response to the agitated demonstrations erupting in protest of the war in Vietnam and the aftermath of the deaths of Kent State University students.

I needed peace at various times in our family’s life: When moving with temporary assignment to another state, when moving again with permanent assignment, when my husband announced he had decided on divorce, when my son was desperately ill, when I faced debilitating illness in multiple forms, when my job ended, when I face living alone.

The lawlessness that has taken over some aspects of our public life is so foreign to me. My mother once told me that as a small child, I would listen to her explanation of why I shouldn’t do something, apparently agree, and never do it again. Other than fighting my tendency to become the Little Old Lady From Pasadena, I recognize appropriate authority and abide by it. I am appalled by the information from people of color about the history of mistreatment by officers of the law and others. My ignorance has been exposed. God forgive my resulting unknowing indifference.

Each season of my life requires that I seek a source of peace that leads to hope that leads to faith. I have found that source many times since 1978; indeed, I daily look to the Lord God Almighty for peace. The scriptures reference peace multiple times. A search of one version yields 397 entries. God encourages us to ask for peace, to seek peace, to hold onto our peace. Today, the verse that speaks to my heart was written by King David.

Psalm 85:8 I will hear what God the Lord will say; For He will speak peace to His people, to His godly ones; And may they not turn back to foolishness. New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1971, 1977, 1995, 2020 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved.


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