He Rejoices Over Us With Singing


I can hear Bob Fitts sing it: “He rejoices over us with singing, He rejoices over us with joy.” Brent Chambers wrote “The Lord Our God Is With Us” and it appeared on “The Lord Reigns” Integrity Hosanna! led by Bob Fitts. That tape played repeatedly in my home and my minivan, encouraging me in the late 1980s.

The song encourages me again today. The referred scripture in Zephaniah documents the return of the people of Israel from captivity and foreshadows our eventual restoration of relationship with the eternal God and King by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Restoration of what has been stolen or lost in my life continues as a promise to me from the Lord. One of the promises has been 30 years in the making. Another goes back to childhood and redeeming the past. The need for healing extends back to my 20s.

My desire for restoration is strong. This week, I realize that God’s desire to give me all that He has planned is stronger yet. He’s actually happier and more excited than I could ever be about my future. That’s when I remembered the song. The lyrics by Brent Chambers © 1987 Scripture in Song read:

The Lord our God is with us, He is mighty to save, His delight is in us, He renews with His love.

The Lord, our God, is with us, He is mighty to save, He rejoices over us with singing, He rejoices over us with joy.

The Lord gives praise and honor, Taking all of our shame, He rejoices over us with singing, He rejoices over us with joy.     

Singing the scriptures has been part of my walk with the Lord from the beginning. The Jesus movement of the 1970s sparked a return to songs of the Lord, especially from Psalms. Some we sang straight from the Bible. Others were written into contemporary worship. I cannot imagine how much of the Word I have learned by singing it. Most recently, Kent, Carla and Matt Henry have been leading online intercessory worship that has included Psalms, Proverbs, and the words of Jesus, sparking a renaissance in my delight in singing scripture. It also reminded me that I need to be listening for what the Lord is singing over me:

Zephaniah 3:17 The Eternal your God is standing right here among you, and He is the champion who will rescue you. He will joyfully celebrate over you; He will rest in His love for you; He will joyfully sing because of you like a new husband. The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.

May we all hear His love and promises as He sings over us.

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