Got My Back


I thought I was too smart to get caught in this particular trap. But I still needed the Faithful God to have my back.

A social media connection seemed to blossom into a potentially real and long-term relationship. I’ve gotten good at spotting the fakes, doing research on other platforms, and reporting any issues I find. Publicizing this blog on social media gives it exposure not available otherwise without serious investment. But one of them came at a price: I sacrificed my pride.

So this guy, apparently interested in a friendship and then more, got my attention with almost three months of conversations. And then it was some phone calls. I admit I was hooked, even shared with family and friends. But the other shoe dropped with a request for bank account information to send me money. I immediately put a freeze on my credit bureau accounts and informed him (them) via text. Gone in a flash, including deletion of all photos on the social media platform and blocking me. I reported the identity as spam, of course.

The only thing really wounded was my pride. I thought I could spot the scammers. This group was really polished, adapting to personal tastes and lifestyle, persistent and patient, portraying a character that any single older woman would be interest in getting to know. The good news is that I have seriously improved my research skills. A new add to my arsenal is a reverse photo search app. I won’t talk to anyone online again without using it.

All the while, God was at work: Keeping my attitude a tad skeptical, reminding me subtly that His omniscience is greater than my worldly knowledge, using friends to check in with me to keep me grounded. My family and friends pray for me always, as I do them. We surround one another with the fence of faith; it is often easier to walk in it for others than for oneself.

In Isaiah 58, God corrects His people about what a fast really means and promises what He will do when they prefer to meet the needs of others before their own.

Isaiah 58:8 Then shall your light break forth like the morning, and your healing (your restoration and the power of a new life) shall spring forth speedily; your righteousness (your rightness, your justice, and your right relationship with God) shall go before you [conducting you to peace and prosperity], and the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC) Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation

The righteousness that goes before believers is the righteousness given us because Jesus paid the price for our sins on the cross and gave us right standing. I have no good thing in me other than the Holy Spirit. The certainty that God’s glory is at my back, protecting me from harm, reassures me. Even when I am capable of being taken in by deception, He will make the truth known and keep me from disaster. I had asked to know the truth about this situation. God is faithful to keep me and make the truth known for me and all who ask.

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