Choices of the Heart

Visiting family reminds me of how much I need relationships. My recent visit to my sister and brother-in-law’s home also reminded me of my need for beautiful and natural surroundings. It had been a year since I’d seen any of Continue reading Choices of the Heart

Small Gestures

I realize part of what I’m missing during this pandemic quarantine period. I am missing the small gestures. I ran across a video challenge from Matthew Hussey, a relationship coach, to begin to make the small gestures for people who Continue reading Small Gestures

Friendships Old and New

Celebrating friendship during these days of quarantine has become a lifeline for many, including me. Friends from a former church gathered for dinner at a restriction-compliant restaurant and it reminded us all how much we enjoy each other. My closest Continue reading Friendships Old and New

Choosing Hope

It is July again. It comes around every year. And every year, I have a choice to make: Will I choose to dwell on the endings or the beginnings? July should be a month of celebration with Independence Day, three Continue reading Choosing Hope