Choosing Real Relationships


Opportunities to meet new people online have overwhelmed me recently. People in various places around the globe have found me via my blog postings on social media. A couple of online relationships seriously threatened my time working on writing and my new business. The word I heard when seeking God’s wisdom was “retrench.” I also sense that online relationships can be artificially serious. One such contact quickly moved into a level of friendship, including terms of endearment, that I found extremely uncomfortable. Wisdom came in the form of text conversations that exposed a possibly nefarious motive for the intended intimacy. My refusal to participate apparently ended the contact, and I welcome the sharp decline in text conversations.

Still another opportunity presented itself in the guise of a potential spiritual advisor. The name was one I recognized but I really have no way of confirming that the person is who they say they are. I let peace act as umpire in my heart and respectfully declined the invitation. The contact seemed to press on with information, but again, I am distancing myself from the conversation.

These experiences have reinforced my original intentions in using social media: To remain in contact with family and friends from the past, and to connect this blog with all my acquaintance.

My extended family is scattered from Florida to Alaska and at many points in between including Canada. Some of my nieces and nephews are more distant than others. A couple grew up with my sons; others live so far away we’ve only seen one another occasionally. However, we feel the connection of family distinctly. An online conversation with one nephew about his photography blessed us both recently. Seeing another nephew’s girls and their mother online is always a delight. Others I feel I know much better because of glimpses into their everyday events.

Friends from the past continue to pop up in my feed. A dear friend sent me a connection request just today. I look forward to checking in with her about herself and her family who attended church with us for many years. Many times, I hear news about someone I still care about deeply and can pray for in a time of need or rejoicing. These relationships started face to face and remain very real, unlike those recent online-only connections, which may give the appearance of being potentially significant. Developing these connections to a face-to-face level would require offering more personal contacts that I normally like to keep private such as online video chats or cell phone calls, and potential travel. The apostle John seems to understand my sentiments:

2 John 1:12 I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete. New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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