He Is Lord Most High

Psalm 7:7,17 Let the assembled peoples gather around you, while you sit enthroned over them on high….I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the Lord Most High. New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Reading Psalms and Proverbs for the day used to be a regular habit. I recently reinstated it as part of my morning routine. I sing the songs I learned as a young believer. Those days of singing the Word of God corporately forever wrote the scriptures on my heart in sweet and wonderful ways. His praises flow from my soul each time I read one of the songs in my Bible.

This week, I read Psalm 7 with new eyes. This season of uncertainty and disruption of what was normal life for many of us causes me to seek His face for reassurance and a sense of stability. I always find peace in His Word and in His presence. I saw something in these two verses that set me thinking about God’s perspective on what is happening in our world.

The place God occupies is above and outside of time. He sees at once the end and the beginning. Our Father’s omniscience allows Him complete understanding of what is happening. He has no doubts about the outcome of this season that seems so foreign. Knowing that He knows all reassures me somehow, even though I have no clear picture of the future. My certainty is that His faithfulness will walk us through this as He has so many other troubled times in my life.

Because He is Most High, we can lift Him up with our praise, trusting that His power will prevail. As we yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit, He will enable us to move forward in this time of trouble, suffering and responsibility, as written in Habakkuk 3:19 in the Amplified Bible. His omnipresence means He will walk with us and be present in each circumstance we face, no matter how troubling.

But another truth also reassures me. He is high above all the good in our lives, as well as the trouble. Every good gift comes from Him, and I can find comfort knowing that all I need will come from His hand at the right time, in the right way.

Find courage today in knowing that the Lord God Almighty, through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, brings each of us the opportunity to rest in Him, for our loving Father, through His Son and the presence of the Holy Spirit, will never abandon us. Jesus promised we will not be forsaken, no matter what.

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