Obliterate Fear


The prospect of loved ones and friends suffering and perhaps dying from COVID-19 confronts us all. A dear friend’s sibling is fighting for life in an ICU bed as I write this. Another friend is concerned for her adult child whose job is essential and means possible exposure.

Our leaders have indicated that we can expect the caseload in my country to peak by mid-month. That means an increase in hospitalizations and possible deaths. I am among those with higher risk, but I am practicing all necessary preventative options. None of us is immune from the potential of risk. Staying home except for absolute necessities is vital. Other measures will certainly help.

My church has reached out to me through various avenues. As I am a volunteer with several church ministries, each section has given me access to a fellow believer. I can reach out for help to any of them as needed. One organized a zoom prayer event this week. It was so good to see loved and loving faces and to encourage one another to make community despite not being able to actually gather together to worship.

My group of friends is making plans to gather and celebrate together as soon as it is safe: We would like to enjoy Easter dinner with dominos afterward as we did last year. It may not be that soon, but I believe that it will not be as late as some would think.

All I know for certain is that as Christians, we must cling to the love that is ours from our Father through Christ Jesus. That love can overwhelm and overcome the fear that seeks to invade our hearts and minds and cause us such pain and suffering that we complain and dwell on negative outcomes. It is not how we need to live, both now and in the future. He promises hope for our thoughts and words through His Word about His love for us. His love is full-grown and complete; we may not always perceive it, but its protection is ours for the asking:

1 John 4:18A There is no fear in love [dread does not exist], but full-grown (complete, perfect) love turns fear out of doors and expels every trace of terror! Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC) Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation


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