“Fearless” comes at me from all directions this week, from songs to Bible study. God is challenging me to throw off the negative effects of my own mistakes and the decisions of others that have negatively impacted my life. He encourages me to remember that His perfect love casts out all fear and I can live fearlessly, knowing His path for me is certain and I will be surefooted as I traverse it.
In the natural, I am an optimist and brave. But the ramifications of financial abandonment by my father dented my armor. I still pushed forward and did what was necessary to successfully pursue a college education and a career in news reporting and editing that I loved. My sons’ father and I decided I would stay home to raise our children. I would not change the positive outcome I see in their lives, but my lack of a sustained career path derailed what I might have become as a communicator. Reclaiming the lost time of writing is God’s goal and mine, but the issue of provision remains. I believe God will give me the wisdom about that path. I also believe I will receive the courage I need to trust Him to be my provider as I walk in the calling He has for me as a writer.
Unfaithfulness affected both my mother and me. We both ended up divorced because of our husbands’ choices. Another relationship I believed would progress to a lifelong marriage failed to move forward. The dream of a marriage that looks like Jesus and His bride seemed dead. It has been resurrected but walking forward fearlessly has been a difficult task. My own shortcomings and ill health have preyed on my confidence that I am capable of creating and sustaining that relationship. I must rely on God’s grace to believe it is even a possibility to again be chosen as a life partner.
So, this week, being fearless and living fearlessly is the message from the Lord for me. My confidence is in God’s faithfulness to keep His word and His promises. He never fails me, and His love makes me fearless. Each time doubt raises its ugly head, He reminds me of a passage He underlines for me each time I review His promises:
Hebrews 10:35 Do not, therefore, fling away your [fearless] confidence, for it has a glorious and great reward. Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, CA 90631. All rights reserved.
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