New Year, Renewed Hope


Isaiah 43:18-19 “Do not remember the former things, Or ponder the things of the past. Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert.” Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, CA 90631. All rights reserved.

As always, I asked God for a scripture for this year. It is a familiar one, given before but ever expressing and encouraging hope for the future. It was a promise to the people of Israel and remains a promise to those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ today. A walk of faith has no steps without hope. Hope encourages us to believe that the future will be an improvement over the past and present.

These verses remind me to look forward, but to do that, I find I must remember what God has done. He gives me a community of friends who encourage me to both remember and to believe for the future. Included in that community are my family members across the generations as well as “family” made through friendship over the years. And there are still more members being added, with my participation in building a new Gateway Houston starting this month.

He has provided all that I need despite my errors and shortcomings. Indeed, the home I live in He provided in a miraculous way, using part of that community of friends. I will never be without enough and to give, according to His promise.

He keeps promising the dreams He planted in my heart will come to pass. Many of them I allowed to die, I thought, but instead they went into hibernation, only to be awakened by Him at the proper time. The first dream of being a published author is a reality. My books, “Weaving Love’s Hidden Pattern” and “The Cleft For Life” are both available in e-book and paperback form.

I have traded the dream of perpetual independence to one of being dependent on His goodness daily. Some days, that dependence is unsettling but remembering His faithfulness over the years reassures me that the future is truly in His hands and I will walk the path He has laid out. I cannot fail because He cannot be unfaithful.

I dream still of a marriage that looks like Jesus and His bride – one that demonstrates the awesome relationship that God wants to have with us individually and corporately. That dream develops with my greater understanding of our purpose as a couple; I know we are both spiritual warriors, assigned to lead others to deeper relationships with God and within the spiritual community, and to listen to the sound of the Holy Spirit directing us in spiritual overwatch, protecting each other and others through prayer and intercession, with praise and worship.

The beginning of each year sets the tone for me. This year, I stand in anticipation of seeing more of His promises come to pass, so that I can continue to tell of His faithfulness. I do not clearly see the way, but I am convinced that He will open the doors that should open at the perfect time.

Hope goes hand in hand with faith, and my hope is in Him Who saved me, Who teaches me, and Who loves me unconditionally.

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