The Lord Is Come

My excitement for the new thing God is doing in my life is growing. Making connections with my new church, Gateway Houston, continues. Our Christmas party Sunday evening was more fun than I could ever imagine. Working hard and diligently with excellence is a hallmark of the church leadership, paid and volunteer. An evening of food, fellowship, and laughter was just what I needed to kickoff and brighten this holiday season. And today, connections are complete with the worship pastor, so I have the music set in advance for next Sunday evening’s service. One of my dearest friends is an American Sign Language interpreter and she has taught others how to use ASL in worship. I practiced worshiping with my whole being and body long before I knew her. Her friendship and instruction launched a new season of gladness and worship for me, and I feel more complete in my time exulting the Lord God Almighty.

Also helping is that my football team is in the playoffs. I would love to be able to go to the Fiesta Bowl and watch my Buckeyes, hear the band, and have fun with fellow fans. A dream of attending bowl games my team plays grows every year, and hopefully, one day will be fulfilled.

But the coming launch of the new church is what fuels my excitement. My spirit has been stirred up since August; our first public service will be January 26, 2020. I believe God is going to do a mighty work gathering His people and adopting more as sons and daughters as they give themselves to Him, accepting the gift of salvation.

Establishing community is part of the goal; we all need relationships that sustain us and encourage our faith. I am looking forward to more and closer friendships in a church closer to my home. The Christmas carol says that The Lord Is Come, and indeed when His people gather in His name and proclaim that He is God, Savior, and Lord, He is there in our midst. Miracles happen in hearts and minds, relationships are built or restored, and a glimpse of eternity is seen with every song and message.

Luke 19:38 Blessed (celebrated, praised) is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory (majesty, splendor) in the highest [heaven]! Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, CA 90631. All rights reserved.


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