Joy to the World

Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash

I find great joy in being myself these days. God has and continues to restore my love for the good things I find now or found when I was younger.

One of my delights is the success my football team is having. All my grandparents were fans of THE Ohio State University Buckeyes, especially the football team. My mother was an alumna as am I. I clearly remember listening to games on the radio on Saturday afternoons as a child. Getting to attend with my paternal grandparents in Ohio Stadium was a dream come true. As a student, I missed very few games in my four years there. Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet…

The last game I attended with my mother was revelation. I saw clearly that many worshiped in that stadium. That week in my quiet time, I had to ask God if I was among those who put college football above Him. I saw that I had the potential in my heart to do that and asked that He would cleanse me from the sin of idolatry. Desire to worship Him alone came early in my walk. He was faithful to cleanse my heart. The evidence was clear, and I saw a marked change in my attitude after a Buckeye victory or loss – neither had the power any longer to change my mood.

Another time, my then husband had a chance to apply for a job near a small city in Virginia where we had vacationed. We loved the town and all it offered. Nothing came of the opportunity and I know it was because I questioned whether I might put my love for the city above my love for God. He clearly answered and preserved me from myself.

Recently, I bought music by a group I loved as a teen and young adult, Blood, Sweat & Tears. My radio in my MGB blasted as I drove with the top down whenever the weather allowed in Southeast Ohio. Now, my SUV sun/moon roof opens in good weather in Southeast Texas with music again turned up. The need to use wisdom keeps my listening to a minimum after a morning wakeup to “Lucretia MacEvil” playing in my head. I am one of those people whose brain plays music almost nonstop. The usual praise or worship tune was superseded that morning. I clearly must exercise good judgment and not abuse the privilege of listening to old, pre-Jesus, favorites.

The season of joy we start this week gives me freedom from the sin that could so easily entangle me. But, by spending time with God every day, I am continually changed, my mind is renewed, and His coming as Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, and the Prince of Peace can be celebrated all year ‘round.

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